Prossima partenza 2017!

Le tappe della prossima partenza: Milano - New York - Los Angeles - Hawaii - Tokyo - Bangkok - Sydney - Ayers Rock - Johannesburg - Mauritius - Milano. Che il sogno abbia inizio!

Cambio di programma ;-)

Finalmente una bella iniezione di imprevedibilità al nostro viaggio. Ho infatti optato per un fantastico cambio di programma per le due settimane successive a questa. Erano infatti previste escursioni qui in Australia ma non ne vale la pena. Così ho deciso di acquistare un biglietto per le isole Vanuatu, arcipelago poco battuto del pacifico.

Le alternative erano tra Polinesia, Nuova Caledonia, Fiji e appunto Vanuatu. Polinesia e Fiji splendide ma molto battuta dai turisti. Rischiamo di trovarci circondati da europei in viaggio di nozze. Nuova Caledonia raggiunta direttamente anche da voli AirFrance, quindi con il rischio di incontrarvi molti francesi, cosa che non mi rallegra affatto.

Vanuatu.... mi è rimasta impressa una puntata di Alle Falde del Kilimangiaro dove avevo visto un paese incontaminato, popolazione ospitale, turismo ancora lontano da alcune isole. Luoghi dove puoi abitare nel villaggio dei pescatori ed essere l'unico turista su tutta l'isola.

Ieri ho passato la giornata a definire i dettagli. Ho contattato un volontario australiano che lavoro in un parco nazionale locale il quale ha risposto alle mie domande molto gentilmente indicandomi cosa fare, con chi parlare e dove alloggiare. Infine ho trovato sul web questo post che mi ha convinto al 1000% nella direzione delle Vanuatu:

Chief Taland, his wife, daughter Ana (23), and son Charlie (14) will make you feel home as soon as you get there. They speak English. The Village is small and bungalow is located 50 metres from the village. No electricity. Querosene lantern at night. They will give you so much great Island food that you’ll not be able to handle. Food included in the price, which is something like $ 50 per couple per night.

If you want just stay alone, fine. If not, got to spend the evenings talking with the family at the village. Please do no take a torch or flash light with batteries, instead take those new ones that you can power up by hand. (Found and collected too many old batteries at the bottom of the sea).

Ana (if she still there) will take you snorkelling to catch your own dinner. Charles may take you if you ask to the top of the hill, which has a 360 degrees breathtaking view (for guidance it costs 10 bucks for 2). Charlie also will get any coconut for you, as many as you can drink and eat the flesh (free). Get Charlie to guide you for a walk on the Island. Give him some 500 Vatu ($5) to
 buy school supplies as tip.

There is nothing to buy on theses Islands. NOTHING. So bring from Vila some snacks, wine, or whatever you need. There are rats in those islands (good and clean white belly ones). We had our long life milk bitten and drunk by one of the most beautiful rats we’d ever seen in our lives. Keep food in your ba
ckpack or something teeth proof.

I was keeping this place as a secret, but decided to open up because we like so much Chief Talang and his family that we feel in obligation in helping them. We know visitors will improve their lives. Please just keep the place the way it is and bring back your plastic bags and snacks toVila. When you don’t need your lanterns any longer, give them to the locals. (less batteries in the sea)

Transport between Islands and shore is not a problem. Cheap bus (back of the truck), leaving from the Chinese store in Vila about 1 PM connecting with the boat. No Problems. From the Islands to shore, boat leaves about 6 in the morning.

We did day trips to Nguna from Pele. Great Island too, but much bigger to walk. Don’t miss it anyway. Great people, unforgettable place.

Some school supplies such as pencils, pens, rubbers, colour pencils, notebooks, etc…will be more that appreciated by the village kids. Give it to the Chief for distribution. Anything you need just ask the chief. If it does exist in the Island, it will be yours.

Questi sono luoghi in via di estinzione, come gli animali. Esperienze indimenticabili e non riproducibili. Dove ti riprendi da dove ti eri lasciato. Non vedo l'ora di arrivarci...

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